Today is the first day of December. The rush to the end of the year has begun.
As always, there is too much I want to do and not enough time to do it in. And, I would really love to slow down and enjoy where we are right now.
How do I balance these two pulls? I know that finding time in the wonderful madness that back-to-back holidays can become is all about choices. But, choices can be hard, and they don't seem to get easier as time goes on.
Still. I am trying to take baby steps to create and enjoy balance. Removing clutter from one room, or one surface in one room, of my home. Thinking twice about that object at Target calling my name. Accepting invitations and finding activities that will build relationships. Considering seriously our existing commitments. Declining, politely, some invitations. Learning to say no. Enjoying the process of finding great gifts for the people I love. Finding other ways to express love and gratitude when the right objects are hard to find - or out of our price range.
Enjoying where we are right now. If only for a few moments in our crazy, twirling life.
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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