Our newest alphabet additions are: H, L, and M! We have such fun opening each new submission for our wall. They are wonderful!!
(The L has a little ladybug button perched on it. Too cute!!)
Actually, M is waiting in Kansas City for either us or a ride to the 'Gateway to the West'. We're excited to give it a new home in the very near future!
We have moved to the Lone Star State, and so has our blog.
While we focus on keeping our scattered friends and family informed, part of this thing is for us - to put our experiences into words and to make a record for when our memories fail.
But really, who knows what this will turn into. One day we might just rip open our trenchcoat for the whole world to see. Although, I think that is highly unlikely.
these are great! i can't wait to see how everything looks all together!