Well. Perhaps therapeutic is better.
I've had a rough week or so. The reasons aren't really important.
But the past few days, to get myself out of the funk, I've been focusing on making time (amidst the chores, unpacking and guest preparations) to do a few things that I enjoy.
I read one book (not business or law related) and started another (similarly unrelated to my work).
I sewed a curtain for our laundry room door. (Zoe DESTROYED the one that hung there when we purchase the house. No telling how long this one will last.)
I went to a craft store and just lolly-gagged. Kyle stayed home while Olive napped.
I found a few unfinished yarn projects. I started the smaller one first - it isn't the most important but will be finished most quickly. I'll start (er, restart) the next one tomorrow or Wednesday.
I enlisted my sweet husband to help me make cake balls for our Thanksgiving celebration. I am no Bakerella, but they sure turned out better than my first attempt.
We both took time to play with Olive on our new swing set. She loves it. And it makes my heart feel good to hear her say "weee" when she swings, or to feel her head resting on my chest as we fly on the glider.
None of these things took outrageous amounts of time. But they did get a few unfinished items closer to being off of my to do list, and they gave me a few moments to rest and relax.
All is all, it was wonderful. Now, back to a) working and then b) prepping for our Thanksgiving celebration!
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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