On the day that Olive joined the 2-year old class at her school, the teacher gave us a potty training video and asked us if we were potty training the little miss.
Uh. No?
Whew. I felt pressured to make a change we didn't feel ready for, but also excited about the prospect of washing fewer (or no!) diapers.
We resigned to start the conversation with Olive, but to put no pressure on her to move away from diapers. We bought a little potty, and a few books ... that was it. Olive enjoys using her potty as a her-sized chair, but we hadn't really gotten to the part about using the potty. (In particular, she likes reading her potty book on her potty. "Mameee ... Ma potty boooook. Maaaaa potty book." We did not name it; she did.)
Earlier this week, Olive's teacher told me that she asked Olive to sit on the potty after swim class - while the teacher was preparing Olive's diaper and putting up Olive's wet swimming suit. Olive obeyed, and then she USED the potty.
When we found out, Kyle and I were both a little shocked.
Then, later that evening, while enjoying some time at home on her little throne, she USED the potty again. I nearly cried.
Now, Olive is NOT potty trained, and we aren't going to spend an intense weekend getting her out of diapers. But. This is a development that points to changes in our future. The part of me that is super tired of washing diapers is super happy. The part of me that already misses my baby being a baby is shedding a few tears.
Rye Crepes
2 days ago
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